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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Lindsay Low-an

I really don't think the illustration artist 
from Lohan's trial had their eyes open 
when they sketched the following;

Instead, i'm sure the scene was a bit more like this;

swimming in concrete


House in garden or Jardin del Sol,
Canary Islands, Spain.

Corona vP.Amaral Arquitectos


Ross St house,
Toorak, Melbourne, Australia.
Robert Mills architects

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

in the news: L.A Zombie

The one stop shop for sex, violence, and dismembered bodies has sadly been banned from the upcoming Melbourne film festival. 

"Although apparently the Australian Classification Board has no problem passing all manner of mainstream torture porn movies which feature, amongst other things, the rape and dismemberment of women, it's interesting that they have no stomach for a movie that reaffirms life," director Bruce LaBruce said in a statement.

Homos beating on each other with sharp teeth and missing limbs?? 

Yes please!